Instagram Advertising

Visually arresting advertising with Instagram

The majority of Instagram’s 9 million Australian monthly users are aged 18-35*. If your brand targets a younger demographic, this platform is a great way to reach them.  Precise targeting options mean it’s worth testing campaigns targeted at other demographics, too.

Instagram’s main attraction is it’s focus on visually appealing content. Provided that your brand lends itself to this type of content,  it’s a no-brainer to use this platform to reach your audience. 

Other reasons to consider Instagram advertising:

  • Instagram has the highest brand engagement of all the social media channels**.  
  • If you use Instagram ads, you’ll  have access to all the data about how your ads performed so  you can create more posts that your followers will respond to, and less of what they don’t like.
  • Short video ads (less than 30 seconds) tend to perform well in Instagram as the majority of posts are still images and videos stand out.
  • 90% of users follow at least one brand on Instagram**
  • Active monthly users of the platform continue to grow (see graph below)
statistic_number-of-monthly-active-instagram-users-2013-2018 copy